Exam is Coming.. and you are running out of time? Some tips to cheat time:

What can you do?
- Watch the essential videos, and tutorial practice during public transport time.
- Use your lunchtime as study time – turn on your device and study while you eat.
- Use any time like a traffic jam to “listen to audio-only” of your class. (Remember: No watching of video while driving)
- Change the video speed to 1.5x or 1.75x to shorten the time to listen to your lecture.
- Set aside 45minutes every morning, and wake up earlier to study.
- Put away all distractions like “Phone-Swiping” on social media.
- Imagine every extra 2.5 hours you accumulate each day, you have gained an additional 38 to 40 hours up to the Exam.
Need your Lecturers’ Support?
Don’t be shy to drop your lecturer a WhatsApp to clarify things you don’t quite understand or if you wish to check out more do’s and don’ts about your exam. Remember, you can Direct Message your lecturers.