Genesis Origo ESG Policies

I. Environmental Stewardship

At Genesis Origo, we recognize our responsibility towards the environment and are committed to reducing our ecological footprint through innovative solutions.

  1. Digital Transformation in Education: We have transitioned to electronic course materials, significantly reducing the need for physical printing and paper usage, aligning with our commitment to environmental conservation.
  2. Renewable Energy Commitment: Despite our minimal environmental footprint, we actively contribute to global carbon reduction efforts by having carbon offsetting. Notably, our monthly energy requirement stands at approximately 700-800 kWh, and we offset with our director’s commitment into a 13.12kW solar power system, generating an average of 1200 kWh of clean energy monthly. ensuring we are a net-positive energy consumer.

II. Social Contribution

Our dedication to society’s welfare is woven into the fabric of our business model. We believe in empowering diverse community segments through education.

  1. Inclusive Scholarship Programs: We offer a range of scholarships, extending opportunities to underrepresented groups, including the disabled community, individuals experiencing financial hardship, and employees from non-profit organizations.
  2. Merit-Based Educational Incentives: To foster academic excellence, we have introduced merit awards, allowing students to reclaim up to 75% of their fees via rebates, applicable to future course fees.
  3. Community Engagement and Support: Beyond financial assistance, we provide tangible resources to the community. This includes complimentary access to our facilities, such as offering our classroom for Sunday School lessons, providing a conducive learning environment for children.
  4. Charitable Donations and Community Investment: While we don’t follow a fixed contribution structure, a core part of our philosophy involves discretionary profit-sharing to support various community initiatives, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to societal welfare.
  5. Staff Development and Empowerment: At Genesis Origo, we deeply invest in the continuous professional growth of our team members, recognizing them as our most valuable asset. We demonstrate this commitment by offering full scholarships to staff members pursuing studies in professional accountancy. This initiative underscores our belief in nurturing our team’s skill set and knowledge base, thereby fostering a culture of internal development and lifelong learning.

III. Governance Ethics

Integrity, legality, and ethical business practices form the cornerstone of our governance policies at Genesis Origo.

  1. Our Values: We are guided by our values when we conduct our businesses. Our values are (1) Honor God, (2) Integrity, (3) Fairness, (4) Customer-focused and (5) Community Support.
  2. Ethical Compliance: We abide by the rigorous ethical standards akin to those expected of professional accountants, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and fairness in all our transactions.
  3. Zero Tolerance for Bribery: Our business operations are founded on honesty and integrity. We strictly prohibit the offering or acceptance of bribes or any form of corrupt practices.
  4. Legal and Ethical Business Practices: We consistently monitor our processes to prevent unethical or illegal activities. Our commitment to ethical business practices encompasses every interaction and transaction we undertake.
  5. ESG Data: We collect data on environmental footprint (energy consumption, water consumption, waste), social footprint (employment data, scholarship, contributions & donations and awards granted)

Genesis Origo Anti Bribery Policy

1. Introduction

At Genesis Origo, we are committed to conducting our business dealings with integrity, transparency, and adherence to the highest legal and ethical standards. This Anti-Bribery Policy is designed to comply with the laws and regulations of Malaysia, (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009), and to align with our core values and ethical principles.

2. Policy Overview

Genesis Origo strictly prohibits bribery and corrupt activities in any form, whether directly or indirectly. This policy applies to all employees, including senior management and the board of directors, as well as agents, consultants, contractors, and any other parties acting on behalf of Genesis Origo in Malaysia or abroad.

3. Definitions

  • Bribery: The offering, promising, giving, accepting, or soliciting of an advantage as an inducement for an action which is illegal, unethical, or a breach of trust.
  • Corruption: The abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

4. Prohibited Conduct

  • No individual under the employ or service of Genesis Origo shall offer, give, solicit, or accept bribes in any form.
  • Facilitation payments, which are small sums paid to expedite routine government actions, are also strictly prohibited.
  • All employees and representatives must avoid any activities that could lead to, or imply, a conflict of interest.

5. Gifts and Hospitality

  • Gifts, hospitality, and expenses should be avoided if they could influence or appear to influence the impartiality of the recipient.
  • Any gifts or hospitality offered or received must be customary, reasonable, not exceeding RM300.00 and appropriately recorded.

7. Reporting and Whistleblowing

  • Employees are encouraged to report any suspicious activity or breaches of this policy. Reports can be made anonymously and will be treated confidentially, via email to Report should include specific details of suspected or alleged bribery or corrupted practices – which may include date, time, location, persons implicated, details of bribe offered or received, images, sound recording or video recording.
  • Retaliation against individuals who refuse to participate in bribery or who report in good faith is strictly prohibited.

8. Training and Communication

  • Genesis Origo will provide regular training on this policy and relevant anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.
  • This policy will be clearly communicated to all employees and relevant third parties.
