Study ACCA and Working Full Time

Is this Crazy? or Is this Possible?
Is this option popular?
Nearly 90% of Genesis Origo’s ACCA students are working adults. If you wonder how many students are doing it – feel comfortable that we are all together in it.
Is it an easy path?
It is going to be more challenging than students that are studying full-time but there are positive reasons for you to be studying+working too. We will share with you later what are they and how do you cope.
How many papers to attempt?
At the lower level, when subject knowledge is less complex, we have many part-time students undertaking up to 3 subjects in ACCA Knowledge level and still pass their exam. However, we recommend students to take:
- 1 to 2 papers for ACCA Skills level in each semester
- 1 paper for ACCA Strategic Professional level in each semester
What do I need?
You need a disciplined approach – which include allocating time for your study while balancing with your personal and work life.
If you adopt a consistent study plan like spending 4 hours a week, it will be very practical and doable. 4 hours can be sliced into 30 to 45 minutes each day.
How could Genesis Origo help me?
We have concluded what a student really need is lecturer support – and we mean, a personal lecturer support.
Imagine when you are studying and you do not understand a small part of your syllabus areas – you really be comforted to know that Genesis Origo provides that to you. Get connected to your lecturers, personally.
Let’s start with the challenges:
You will feel exhausted when you have to juggle between work and study. There may be ad-hoc assignments that require you to travel. You have to apply leave for exams and your employer may not always be supportive of that.
Well, encourage me with some Pros of Studying + Working Full Time:
- You have the depth and maturity to understand the subject matter better.
- You have the (relevance) working experience – so when you have completed all ACCA examinations, you can apply to be an ACCA member (you have to complete the ESPM)
- You have the knowledge to support your work which can boost your career advancement. Some organisations and public accounting firms only consider promotions for qualified professionals.
- You have the freedom of choice in deciding for yourself, how many papers to study and how long you intend to use for your study.
- You are improving yourself – and knowledge is one thing that nobody can take it from you.
- You will improve on your time management skills. You will learn how to structure for yourself a timetable and study/work plan. Many will find it hard at the beginning but everyone gets better as the journey along.
- You definitely will ease your financial burden.
Why choose Genesis Origo for my ACCA Studies?

2. Degree in Accounting or ACCA?
3. Know more about the ACCA Bsc Oxford Brookes University Degree
5. ACCA Exam Time Limit – What is the 7-year rule?
7. ACCA Online Study with Genesis Origo
9. Interesting Facts about ACCA
10. Studying ACCA and Working Full Time?
11. How to be a Chartered Accountants in Malaysia.
12. Becoming an Auditor in Malaysia
Find Out More About Genesis Origo’s Strategic Professional Lecturers :
ACCA SBL – Strategic Business Leader
ACCA SBR – Strategic Business Reporting
ACCA AFM – Advanced Financial Management