Studying Online Effectively – Handy Tips

Studying online can be just as effective as studying in a physical classroom, depending on the circumstances. Online learning has several advantages, such as flexibility in terms of time and location, a variety of course options, and the ability to study at one’s own pace.
However, online learning also has some challenges. It can be more difficult to stay motivated and engaged when studying remotely, and there may be a lack of social interaction with peers and instructors. Additionally, technical issues such as poor internet connectivity can affect the quality of the learning experience.
Tips for Studying Effectively in an Online Environment
The biggest challenge for self-paced learning is the discipline to sit through the entire study session. You have to keep distractions away. During your online study – switch off phone notifications. You need to stay focus with what you are doing.
Creating a consistent study routine can help students stay on track and manage their time effectively. This routine can include specific times for studying, breaks, and other activities. Remember, if you are attending physical classes, you have a timetable to adhere to. So, do it even if you are doing it online.
Study Space
Having a dedicated study space can help students stay focused and minimize distractions. Ideally, this space should be quiet, well-lit, and free from interruptions. We know of some students who will consider renting a hotel room just to have a study retreat, all for themselves.

Speak Out Loud
Even though you could be watching a lecture video, engage with the video by “answering”, “nodding”, “responding” because these reinforce your learning and help to remember better.
Set Goals
Set a goal – if you cannot sit through 3 hours, start with 30 minutes. Design a plan for the first week and keep it. 1% is still better than 0%. When you tick-off something, the positivity will bring you further. Keep the momentum.
Seek Support
Studying online does not need to be alone. It does not have to be disconnected. You can always reach out to your subject lecturers for help. If you have anything that you do not understand, you may consider sending a voice message, or recording a video message of your question.